Expose The Tard Exposing the truth from as far back as 1993.

Monday, October 15, 2007

Rumour has it...

Nicky's Gothicfest 2007 was another failure. Highlights include:

  • confirmed Nicky had sales so low the word poor doesn't come close
  • confirmed He didn't share his shared signing-- Let's just say he couldn't think of or talk about anyone other than himself which led to a falling out later
  • His date did not show either day, even though Nicky told everyone he came into contact with that she would
  • Nicky became concerned that he was a victim of a prank because said date did not show or call
  • confirmed Nicky's date, wasn't. A poor unsuspecting woman was duped into thinking that he has pull in the industry and could help, Nicky once again thought a female talking to him was a girlfriend
  • While walking around looking at other expos, Nicky came across a copy of his recently given away book in a garbage can which led to more anger and drama
  • He spent most of his time outside smoking because of the stress brought on by the above events
  • confirmed Nicky's recent weight gain and reluctance to admit that he needed a larger shirt size resulted in many event goers getting an unwelcome view of his gut.
  • confirmed Nicky was set to "Interview A Vampire" but was blown off. "Vampire" was dismayed that he had only spoken to Nicky a few times on the net, but Nicky had misunderstood their friendship because of that making him an equal opportunity stalker
confirmed Nick lost his voice, which makes him sick at every public event he has ever attended.
confirmed Nicky's video interviewing skills like his writing are sorely lacking. People were very uncomfortable with his rambling and the fact he had to interject his own shill into every question.

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