Nicky's former psychotic stalker has once again grown bored of his glass house and got himself a new bag of stones.
You may have read on this blog about ValentineVegan, the Nicky stalker that harassed him in a very unfunny and psychotic way. Sure Nicky has been trolled for years, however, ValentineVegan would go too far, such as threatening to tie Nicky up and smear feces on him. All while blaming others, pretending to be others, and threatening to call the cops on random innocent people to cover his tracks.
Once busted out, he had no choice to admit it was him, but in a pathetic twist decided to perform fellatio on Nicky to get back in his good graces. If you haven't already, I highly sugges you read his multiple-personality goodness from a few years ago, especially since he's not done making an ass of himself by accusing others of shit he still does.
Now, on to the show...
(LD 2010=Comments he left today, LD 2008=Comments he left in '08 as either himself or ValentineVegan)
LD 2010: "Matt Schwartz said just to ignore him, or go to the cops, so that's what I did. The police said they'd keep an eye out on this character and alert the authorities overseas --- so much for the NYPD..." (the moment you mention the Internet to them, they look at you like you're crazy, because one must be crazy to even be on a computer, right?)"
LD 2008: "Eric Enck, I will only say this once. I have no time for this immature rhetoric. Keep stirring shit for publicity on your own books and Nickolaus Pacione melodrama, and I will call the New York State Attorney General’s Office first thing Monday morning and have you pulled in for questioning faster than a dog can sniff his own ass, and have EVERYBODY investigated: Karen Koehler, Rusty Nail, Janrae Frank — including myself, with no worries whatsoever. You are the culprit again, as always, starting trouble between other parties, just like you did with a certain zombie author on previous occasions. It was all you. The New York Police Department has been keeping survellaince on Rusty and you as of late (among others), and they found this little tidbit from some site called “Deviant Art”. In Italics below (from what the detective provided me;"
(after typing the latter, Daggy admitted to being the very person he was accusing others of being. In other words, take what he says with a grain of salt when it comes to accusations and the police)
---LD 2010: "He's been threatening, through here and other forums, myself, my family, women and children, from rape to defacation,"
LD 2008: "Knock, knock, knock…"who is it" grammy pacione, we’re here for your son. open up! we just want to take him for a stroll. maybe tie him to a tree, smear doody over his face, shave his head. we know he’s in there….please tell him to come outside, mammy pacione."&LD 2008: "a certain demented man's family will become involved in the crossfire. the phone calls come for gramma yet, nicky? you did this to yourself nickypoo, and now the Paciones must pay. "
LD 2010: "degrading and making remarks about other people, smaller press magazines, smaller press operations, and disrespecting their staff and editors as well,"
LD 2008: "and whats this! we see you got published again. darkened horizons...tsk, tsk... spreadin the taint..... i guess we'll have to destroy that publication and its authors reputations."
LD 2010: "He's threatened to beat up and kill me on occasion,"
LD 2010: "Let's repeat that: threatening myself, women and children and following people across the Interwebz"
LD 2008: "we never thought we'd see the day where we'd "expose" pictures of your mother and shirley. if you only had had the pics we have right now..."&LD 2008: "you know what we can do. go out of that dusty cobwebbed room, go upstairs and look at the window across the yard. yeah, the pickup. watch the lights flash three times when you go to the window. we are always watching."&LD 2008: "we're comin for your cousin too, so you better not be makin that shit up chump. cause if you are, then we'll find a cousin of yours to fuck with."
LD 2010: "So I figured maybe I did something wrong by this troll who wants to remain anonymous and is afraid and cowardly,"
LD 2008: "After tapping into the mind of NP for answers, and going under the name Valentine Vegen, I came to the conclusion that both sides shared an EQUAL hatred. Equal anger."
LD 2010: "The latest email I received from him was, entitled: MY DILDO IN YOUR WOMAN'S ASS."
LD 2008: "I plan to take each of you apart systematically.) only we're using your real name, family and friends, histories there, addresses and all."
LD 2010: "But I'm sorry, I can't take this behind-the-scenes threatening and ganging up anymore."
LD 2008: "And then there’s Rusty (we’ll just call you that here in public). Since I have cancer anyway, and I have nothing to lose, and I have your home address, I figured I’d fill the car up with gas and drive out to your house and see who the person behind the blog is. I waited, sipping a cup of coffee behind the wheel, and when you finally came out and I matched you, Rusty. I FUCKING LAUGHED HYSTERICALLY! I spit up my coffee!"
LD 2010: "So I figured maybe I did something wrong by this troll "Now I do not know who this person is that he speaks of or anything about him. I do know, that of all the people on this earth to complain about the behavior he mentioned in that thread, he is the last person who should talk.
LD 2008: "Johaha (who I’ve smackdowned on too many occasions to even count) will still be the same little serial rapist and failure in life that he is from his screen in England.
With that said,,
Have a good day folks and thank you for promoting me! :)
Let me close with this little gem:
"For those of you who often see a troll following me across this board from time to time, totally bad news, totally obsessed with me (to the point where a lot of you probably ignore me and stay away from me yourselves)"Yeah, that's why.
There's book you need to pick up -- it's called Coach's Midnight Diner: Jesus Vs. Cthulhu Edition. Coach and his wife run a small press out of Crystal Lake, Illinois. I actually went through this book in one day when Coach gave me the e-book until the print one came -- he actually hand delivered this at Gothicfest 2007. He, myself and a crime author from Schamburg, Illinois, shared a table -- the other writers were a Satanist named Corvis Nocturnum, A Wiccan named Raven Digitalis (this guy was my verbal sparring partner because he knew I was a Christian, a meat eater and a Conservative -- you remember how I used to play pranks on vegita