Expose The Tard Exposing the truth from as far back as 1993.

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Nuclear Decay or Nicky's Prediction of 9/11 from 1997

Remember a few posts back when you saw Nicky claim to have forseen 9/11 in a piece he did titled "Nuclear Decay"?
Four years ago in December, I had written the story Nuclear Decay, and what frightens me about that one -- is that this story is going to become true. The poem Black Winter is about the winter after a nuclear war; there is going to be a black winter this year because of what Bin Ladden has done. That story was a horror tale drawn on the aftermath of war but never thought it would come true until now.
That wasn't the first time he tried to cash in on a major disaster. He wrote a story some years ago about a flood. When Katrina hit he was all too proud to let everyone know that he had written about it beforehand and was excited to see it came to be. He would later go on to put together an anthology called "Quakes and Storms" that he would try to get free press for using Katrina.

*** Note to anyone from Something Awful new to Nicky: Ask Nicky why he didn't donate the proceeds of Quakes and Storms to the Red Cross for Katrina victims like he promised. See the post before this one where he mentions a "platelet appointment"? After Katrina, when he was caught making jokes about flood victims, then claimed he would make Quakes and Storms a charity book for them, he actually used an old picture of him at a platelet appointment after Katrina to show people he was donating blood or plasma to the Red Cross to further add to the lie. Ask Nicky about the Red Cross! ***

As you will read in "Nuclear Decay", a story he has long since lost and will see again for the first time today, he sees himself as a prophet. You'll actually see the words "prophet's email" below. Enjoy.

Nuclear Decay
April 11, 1997

One would say the evil that men do will live on forever -- Perhaps the murdered souls remain for the rest of their days. The reality of horror one may ask -- "What kind of God sits back and watches man die in torture?" The questions which remain as one continues to ask this question -- "Why must one die for a crime one did not commit?" Is this the freedom one calls their rights to really live or is it a form of slavery? The question that one shall ask are horrifying but they remain ignored within the fantasy of religion -- the raping of the madness one toys with eats them from the inside; a hate disguised as love but the hate remains dormant within one's thoughts -- a horror the question remains. If God created mankind -- why does man go and destroy themselves with the toys they create? The freedom they very much fight for destroys them within their heart of madness, these are the forgivable -- the blasphemy of the Anti-Christ. The number one receives on their right hand -- the number of man, for one denies the sign of the cross.
��� The life they lead -- the birth of self destruction, a second holocaust one witnesses within the eyes of a prophet. The prophet witnesses the horror within a reality of unspeakable horror -- the prophet becomes a witness of the last martyr, the telltale sign of the horror becoming. The darkness fills the sky with a rain of blood and fire -- a passing of judgment as the dead are those remain unborn. The perverted reality as one cannot describe this -- the thoughts of the philosophers cannot define the signs of the end. I have seen the angels from heaven opening the seventh seal -- the prophecy one has read has come into reality. For this is known as the sign of the cross -- The ground slowly engulfs a modern Sodom and Gomorrah; for this is that the ground is drunk on the blood of the sinners. One would call this the birthright of the beast -- the beast rising out the earth with the four horsemen close behind. One shall ask that this is the wrath to become -- is the horror of biblical prophecy coming to be.
���The morbid fear remains as all the saints disappear from the face of the earth -- a prophecy which the Bible spoke of that the dead in the Christ shall rise first then those still alive will be caught up in the clouds. I slowly watch in horror as the street prophets are caught and killed at the gallows pole and crucified on the Y-shaped crosses. I saw that the angels are crying from heaven -- the choir of demons chant the message of fear within the torture of mankind. The demons of the flesh hand the philosophers a chalice of death -- for they are to drink from the chalice. The chalice was filled with the blood of all the saints and sinners who refused to take the mark of the beast. This they refused to drink -- but they were engulfed by a fire from within their soul.
���One has seen the sky turning to black -- all I could hear is Black. An angel rises from the fires of hell -- he left behind a letter. I began to read the letter -- speaking of a form of judgment from heaven. The letter reads:
���"From the inside out -- the fires from Hades is only the beginning. The whore has conceived the child who was cursed at birth -- to live for a millennium. The child was there at the time of the crucifixion -- the prophesy one writes of is the testimony of the judgment from heaven, the raining fire and blood. The city I am writing to is to all current day Sodom and Gomorrah within the country of what was known as Babylon. This letter I write forewarns one who shall read this is the message of the Father of David. For I shall testify his wrath upon the earth -- the horror that one witnesses is the hand of God."
���The prophet's letter one could see is dark revelation from above. The hand of judgment has taken its toll -- the sound deafing from the silence from a bell as it tolls the sound of the time of the final martyr bleeds. As one reads in the prophet's letter, "The sky will bleed as the last martyr will die -- the rapture will begin to happen." The prophecy one has read appears on the screen of my computer -- a horror of the end appears on the internet. The realization of it being too late as one has received the mark of mankind -- the thunderbolt steers all things, and war is the father of all. The writings in the email message tell of something cryptic, mythical carving talking about the prophecy.
��� The drawings that appear on the computer speak of a beast that rises out of the water and its followers will arise with it out of the ashes -- another letter appeared on email speaking of the seventh seal breaking open and all the followers of the world will receive a mark! -- they cannot either buy or sell without this mark. For all the politicians shall speak of peace only to start another cold war -- giving birth to a nuclear winter. The telltale horror one cannot describe in full but the future is still uncertain -- the keys to the prophet's riddle are left unclear. The horror foretold within the email letters -- a technological terror one does not wish to recall or is afraid because one does not understand how time slowly stands still as one realizes that he is a stranger in a strange land.
���I continue to read the message coming up on my email -- saying that the sky is becoming black and one third of the world's waters become red as blood. One is frozen in fear as the seventh seal begins to crack -- the cryptic message in the prophet's email. One has seen this before -- somewhere in England, I visited the place called Stonehenge. I have heard the myths about how the sun and moon will line up and unleash an unspeakable horror -- wiping mankind into final extinction. A winter of which the world becomes a place of eternal rot -- the smell of rotting decay one has written of I have been told while I was back in the service about the end will occur at one sudden press of a button.
��� The war that should not be -- a fire from the skies as one shall see before they die by their own hand. The twisted visions of a hope raping their mortal souls -- a reality thrown away to something one cannot see the horror becoming. The smell of a nuclear blast begins the burning into the lungs of hell -- the words of the prophet were typed into the internet. The message was the dark revelation of the mass destruction of an evil of mankind -- killing each other for religion. The email of blood spills slowly into the skies -- becoming a storm of world demise.

Nicky During September 11th Part 4

Technically this was written on September 11, 2001 the same day as the chat log.

Please note when the attacks actually happened, and that Nicky was about to go to bed then.
And no, he wasn't working a swing shift. Wasn't working at all actually.

September 21, 2001 10:18AM

I have been listening to the news while posting this and over heard the World Trade Center being attacked by an aircraft -- the nightmare of this happening is something I could not even begin to imagine happening. The closest thing of something being pure fucking evil is this. I cannot even begin to think of what the fuck is going on. I was about to go to bed while hearing about this on the news and thinking holy fuck -- the building closed in on itself. Even the Sears Tower in Chicago is closed and evaculated. I am even scared by this because this could happen from O'Hare Airport at anytime even the plane I was on going to Toronto could of been subject for this shit. All I could say which is coming from this is World War III; this is the darkest fear of anyone near a major airport. I want to hear from readers who are near any major airport -- from the Northeast to the Midwest. What are the chances of another war being fought on American soil. This is most chilling thing that is to happen in the 21 Century. Not since the bombing in 1995 in Oaklohoma City has something this frightening happend -- not just one fucking aircraft there was two of them. I am shaking like a leaf right now and thinking of my friends who live in New York.
Oh why not let's look at him still scared over two weeks later.
Note: I am removing the links to the first two people he mentions in this next post mainly because the girl he was refering to as his girlfriend, wasn't. She didn't know that is what he thought they were. Who would especially when they never met face to face? If you look back about a year on this blog you'll see him trying to arrange that and how he dealt with getting a woman to Illinois without having a driver's license, a vehicle, or room for her to stay hence his concern about getting a motel for the time he wanted her down here.

He sent her money then demanded it back when he found out she was not only not interested in him, but not interested in men period. Again look through the old posts you'll see the whole thing. One other note: Nicky discussing a camp site was him planning to visit JournalCon. When he would go to conventions he would either try to sleep in the lobby or outside in a park near the motel. Yes those were his accomidations of choice.

Saturday, September 29, 2001

I was reading DreamDisturber and my girlfriend's livejournals so I decided to link up an entry that I had written in another journal I have been keeping for the past year or so coming November. This is another that I had written of a nightmare I had the other night; so I figured that I would post it up there because it is one of my longer entries -- I would do that now from my xanga blog as well since I got this writing program. Though I am going to be posting a longer version of this entry on my deadjournal since I had not posted there in a long time; as of lately I have been sleeping weird hours sometimes waking up too fucking early and other days I would not even sleep at all. This is not good especially since I got that platelet appointment in less than two weeks; still trying to get ahold of the owner of the campground in Tinley Park so I could get a camp site for more than two weeks since it is $10 a night there, but I might get a hold of Bug since she said I could stay with her while I am there -- I might still do that but make sleeping arrangements with one of my relatives in Cary, Illinois, since she suggested I should see a doctor in alternative therapy. I thought of this sometimes too since I had relapsed in my therapy after the 11th of September. There are days I would be able to sleep and days where I need to drug myself so I could fall asleep. Since the lady cannot get up to Chicago next month -- I thought I would go with my original plan inviting her to come up in December. This is one my relatives thought of when she had decided to cut off communication with her family. I am nervous about going into Chicago on October 10th because I am still thinking about something that might happen in Chicago similar to what did in New York -- the frightening picture of Chicago without its two major buildings in the skyline; scares the fuck out of me. I had written three entries about that -- and some of them come from my perspective in view of someone who was in basic training for the Navy, knowing that some of my company mates are on ships waiting to be deployed. Though I was looking back at the discussion between two in my journal about a map that was sent to me via email. Namely the entry that I posted on September 15; and it is coming to me that I had my d-land journal almost a year. There are as many postings on there as I have short stories now; then I was watching something on WTTW early this morning about Evolution taught in schools -- this is going to be a contraversal thing if one lives in the Bible Belt. It was hard enough for me as a horror writer living near Wheaton College -- though I had met a few people there who respected the kind of honesty I have but there are others who would protest the very ideas that I would stand for and try to turn me conservative; I am a bit of a liberal and being a writer -- liberal is something that tends to get under the skin of students who go to a bible college.

Monday, August 25, 2008

Nicky During September 11th Part 3 or The 2,740 Limbs of Beladden

Back in September of 2001 our nation was struck by terrisium. Nicky would have been on the front lines dropping bombs on them but sadly, he had been discharged from the Navy by that point for mental health reasons.

But America, even though Nicky could no longer serve as a chaplin's assistant on a ship docked in Illinois (the hub of the Navy) he still had his ways of getting at Beladden: He himself would call upon the entire U.S. military to attack and bring him back some of Beladden's teeth. Amazing! Even from the most dangerous place during that time, no not Washington D.C. or New York, I'm talking about Illinois, Nicky hunkered down in his fortified bunker that was ingenously disguised as his grandparent's basement, and from there singlehandedly ran the nation.

As you will see towards the end of this, Nicky's plan was to catch Beladden and for "each civillian who died in the crashes" a limb of Beladden's would be chopped off. Now you can see the monster that we faced then and now, because now thanks to Nicky you know that Beladden was a homosexual creature with 2,740 limbs and a bitch ass.

Monday, September 17, 2001

To my friends who are in the Army, Navy and the other Arm Forces -- be ready to drop bombs on the cockroaches who trashed the world trade center. A friend of mine turned out to be safe from this that had happened but one person from livejournal died in the World Trade Center -- my codolances go out to his family because no one deserves to go down like that. I would be the one pumping the bastards with bullets but by the Uniform Code Of Military Justice I have been discharged for mental health reasons, a section 11 chapter 4 discharge which means I cannot re-enlist to any branch as much as I want to at this time. So my best friend Jason Hink is training to go into basic, he told me he wanted to be hardcore condition to carry a full metal jacket. I made him promise me that he would give me Bin Laden's front teeth as a trophy. Infantry had been called in to go now, and some of my navy buddies might be going over too. It would be the Marines, Army, Navy then the Air Force. This is a direct message to that faggot Bin Laden, we are coming for you motherfucker and by the time we are done you better hope that we don't dismember your bitch ass -- for each civillian who died in the crashes we get to chop off each limb and bring you back to the states in peices.

Nicky During September 11th Part 2 or "we have a new Japan and that Japan is in form of Bin Ladden."

Nicky was very upset after 9/11. He lost sleep, had a few nervous breakdowns, it made him more of a mess than he usually is.

But Nicky wasn't afraid for our country, or the victims of 9/11 or their families, no Nicky was worried about himself.

That is evident in this line as you will read below

It is a frightening thing to think about but if we don't go to war -- more shit like this is going to happen, not in New York but this time in Chicago or Louisianna.

Without further ado, the second but not final look at Nicky During 9/11.

Wednesday, September 12, 2001

It goes without saying now. There is going to be a World War III -- like it or not. The dawn of the 21st would see a war; as the hippies in the 1960s say make love, not war. FUCK love, this is a mother fucking war -- and they drawn first blood. Blood runs cold in the veins of the United States and mission -- bring Bid Ladden back dead with his head on a platter. We have to become the bloodthristy nation of the 1940s -- that same nation which dropped the bomb on Japan, we have a new Japan and that Japan is in form of Bin Ladden. As many would there is not going to be a war -- they said the same about the Middle East in 1991 but they called the war ensamble. Four years ago in December, I had written the story Nuclear Decay, and what frightens me about that one -- is that this story is going to become true. The poem Black Winter is about the winter after a nuclear war; there is going to be a black winter this year because of what Bin Ladden has done. That story was a horror tale drawn on the aftermath of war but never thought it would come true until now.
It is a frightening thing to think about but if we don't go to war -- more shit like this is going to happen, not in New York but this time in Chicago or Louisianna. Chicago because that is where they train the Navy and in the south they train the Air Force. If this is not an act of war -- I don't want to see what an act of war will be, or don't want to know what is. I am not scared now -- just want to see this fucking war started to finish what we should of done in 1993 killing Hussen and Bin Ladden with one middle have them each tied to a bomb and drop them from a bomber flying top speed.
Dr. Strangelove is one of those films that is going through my mind now when it comes to thrash the Middle East -- a Paratrooper riding a bomb in then ripping his parachute at 2000 feet then allowing the bomb to go the rest of the way in -- then while it explodes on target, he laughs hysterically seeing Bin Ladden running and screamming like the little bitch he is and Hussen screaming like the queen he is. I will be laughing at the picture while they are running around with their flesh burning off and screaming like little bitches. Because that is what they are because they get off on allowing thousands of people die for no reason -- that is worst than having two Adolf Hitlers running around. Bin Ladden is the Anti-Christ.

Saturday, August 23, 2008

Per Request: Nicky On 9/11 or "I am shitting myself emotionally"

Recently Nicky's whereabouts around 9/11 were mentioned, and today an anonymous poster asked to see the chat transcript between Nicky and someone else from then.

A lot of people were upset on 9/11. Millions worried about the victims in New York and Washington D.C. and the safety of those involved.

Holly correctly worried about things like stock trading as a result.
Nicky was just worried about himself in Illinois, and that was about it. Bold will point out the obvious.

Tuesday, September 11, 2001

Nickolaus says: are you watching the news?
Holly says: yes..I'm in tears
Nickolaus says: I am shaking like a leaf
Nickolaus says: I am worried if something like this would happen in chicago next month during JournalCon
Holly says: all the airports are stopped..they're gonna start shooting planes down in the next hour if they're there..all major cities are toasted..this is so going to be world war 3
Nickolaus says: that is what I am scared about because no war had been fought on American soil in 60 years -- this would end up being an air war
Nickolaus says: Illinois would be attacked next because that is the Navy hub
Holly says: if they could do this..stock trading..is gone
Holly says: for now
Holly says: thats why they attacked the world trade center
Holly says: to cripple our market
Nickolaus says: I am scared about this too
Holly says: 'm scared to death.
Nickolaus says: then the Pentagon

Holly says: because it's our military center
Nickolaus says: Illinois is next because that is our Navy center
Nickolaus says: Great Lakes Naval Training station
Nickolaus says: all along Lake Michagan shores is what I am scared about
Nickolaus says: I am not too far from Midway airport
Nickolaus says: and this is what scares me -- my cousin lives two blocks from there
Holly says: if they hit the great lakes ..
Nickolaus says: we're fucked
Holly says: that would be bad..there are two necular power plants along there
Holly says: that means entire west coast
Nickolaus says: I live near one of them
Holly says: *east
Nickolaus says: actually the Midwest
Nickolaus says: the northern midwest
Nickolaus says: Chicago is the military training hub then they would nail Alaska -- because that is the Air Force training hub
Nickolaus says: Illinois and Maryland would be nailed
Nickolaus says: Maryland because that is the officer school
Holly says: The end of the world as we know it..
Holly says: wasn't that a prediction for tis year
Nickolaus says: Armeggedon
Nickolaus says: the US Armeggendon
Holly says:its not just us. We will retaliate with the help of our allies
Nickolaus says: true
Nickolaus says: true
Holly says: God i'm reading the news. They hijacked planes?
Holly says: so the people on the planes, plus all of the buildings?
Nickolaus says: I know -- if anytime if you want to believe in God it would be now
Holly says: Oh god.
Holly says: wow..they hit the supreme court building..trying to fuck up all of DC
Nickolaus says: Annapolis
Nickolaus says: level Delta
Nickolaus says: Shit I know all about level Delta -- they taught me that in boot camp
Holly says: what's level delta?
Nickolaus says: Highest military emergency
Nickolaus says: it is when the military are the target
Holly says: ya know I'm shaking. I'm numb.
Holly says: If I wasn't stronger I'd be screaming and jumping out the nearest window.
Holly says: Oh god I wonder how kristen is. She works and lives in DC.
Nickolaus says: Shit
Nickolaus says: Kristen?
Nickolaus says: OMG -- I know a friend in Maryland
Holly says: a friend of my boyfriends
Nickolaus says: shit
Nickolaus says: better email her
Nickolaus says: now I am scared
Nickolaus says: shit
Nickolaus says: they are borrowing from the Japanese
Nickolaus says: it is overseas terrisium
Holly says: a plane just crashed here and a plane was hijacked
Nickolaus says: Middle East
Holly says: pittsburgh just closed down.
Holly says: this is way to close to home
Nickolaus says: no shit
Holly says: I live 15 mins from pitt
Nickolaus says: Time to bomb Saddam
Nickolaus says: he is getting a nuke right on his ass
Nickolaus says: Tie Saddam and Beladden together then place their nuts on a nuke and blow their asses up
Nickolaus says: assassinate Beladden
Holly says: did they think they were going to get away with this?
Nickolaus says: I'd kill the mother fucker myself
Nickolaus says:if I was to be a serial killer -- I would hunt down his fucking group and kill them one by one
Holly says: ditto
Holly says: Pittsburgh is flipping out. They closed the air port
Holly says: the plane that went down this is what an eye witness said "we saw a plane going ove rhead..and then it started to wobble..than straigtned..then sudden it banked..harsh..and went nose first into the ground"
Nickolaus says: I could see that in my mind
Holly says: it's too close to pittsburgh..and it's a 767 ..same plane that crashed into the trade center.
Holly says: what do you think?
Nickolaus says: very fucking close
Holly says: speculation is it was hijacked or some such and the pilot crashed it. I can believe that.
Nickolaus says: bastards
Holly says: and another one from pittsburgh is circling dullas base
Nickolaus says: shit
Holly says: yeah. they got pittsburgh or tried too. : haking::
Holly says: I used to work in the building that would be targeted
Nickolaus says: oh my god
Holly says: and the buildings here are -close- if they had hit usex..pittsburgh would be done..
Holly says: there would be no more pittsburgh
Nickolaus says: Armegeddon
Holly says: there are litterally roads of buildings touching
Holly says: this..disturbs me that they used -us- to crash into our buildings.
Holly says: they hijacked -our- planes to kill our people
Nickolaus says: that's it -- benladden is going to die
Holly says: 4 planes have been hijacked.
Nickolaus says: actually seven were
Holly says: not including the ones from pittsburgh
Holly says: seven?!
Nickolaus says: yes
Nickolaus says: from Los Angles
Holly says: and dalls. shit i forgot
Holly says: Did..our news guy just say "KGB" complex in pittsburgh ::Blink.::
Nickolaus says: shit
Holly says: god twintowers. ::Reeling::
Nickolaus says: that is it I am not going to be sleeping for weeks
Holly says: wow I didn't know a fire was lit outside the whitehouse
Nickolaus says: shit
Nickolaus says: I am shitting myself emotionally

New Low Even For Him, If That Is Even Possible

The following was written by me last night right before I fell asleep in my chair! I was capturing something said over at Shocklines knowing it would dissapear soon. Well as of this morning it did, and THANK GOD blogspot automatically saves what you are working on every so often because it is still here.

The following post takes place between 2:00am and 3:00 am
Lawrence Dagstine wrote:

"Aren't you the confused kid who wrote the suicide note on Deviant Art?"
I am posting this here to preseve that one disgusting sentence so that when, not if, that thread is deleted people can still see it. People who either haven't read the dozens of disgusting example I've posted here in the past month, or Rusty Nail, or anyone else's blog or message board pointing out the vile things this person says.

I'm also omitting the paragraph he quoted as well as the name of the person he said that to so that again, when that thread is deleted, he won't have the joy of seeing is tasteless joke repeated.

I'm not going to point out what is wrong with that because some things are self explanatory. I'm just leaving it here for all to see and for anyone to comment on if they wish.

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Nicholas Pacione or Worker's Comp Redux

Apparently the information was in fact wrong so I am removing it from here.

Not that Nicky is a bastion of truth or that you can take him on his word.

But since I have a policy of posting only the truth, I have removed this entry.

Regarding Nicky's actual injury, people have had similar on the job injuries or worse and none felt the need to write a story that made it out to be some major injury.


Mind Blown or Legal Question

I am not sure if anyone caught the comments section of my last post this morning, but somebody under the id of "anonymous" dropped a bomb of information. Two pieces of info regarding Nicky actually, if in fact it is regarding Nicky.

One of the pieces, if true, will change the game so to speak and forever change how we refer to him, and the other will expose a disturbing trend. I admit to knowing something about the latter but forgetting completly about it until anonymous reminded me and shed more light on the matter.

Why did I delete the comment and make this entry? I was going to ask the legality of posting public legal documentation on this site or any other, and as I am typing this I answered my own question and realized that it is already on the web, posted by the court system itself, so the answer to my own question is "Yes, it would be legal to post and link to this information".

So later today I will post the information as it appears in the court system which appears on the web, and give people the necessary words needed to further research this. If anyone saw anonymous' post and is already researching it then be my guest. I am not in a race to post this before anyone else and it wouldn't bother me one bit if you beat me to the punch today.

And if the anonymous who left it wants to email me with either additional information or how they would like to be credited for finding this my email address is at the bottom of this webpage.

Monday, August 18, 2008

"...arson and other death threats. More stable people call that 'venting'”.

As a rule I don't usually post comments on other people's blogs, so I will present my evidence of why yet again, Lawrence is a hypocrite and liar here.

Seems someone posted about Blog and Internet Psychosis, and magically the two worst examples Nicky and Larry arrived to tell us what its like in their imaginary world where they are innocent of such charges.

including death, arson, and rape threats. My blog follows the antics of nitwit bloggers who have huge egos in reverse proportion to their writing skills.

Where are these threats? - Lawrence Dagstine, from here
Threats? How many times to I have to keep beating the same dead horse?

Your numerous threats are compiled here, here, and here.

Regarding the threat of arson, Nicky the other commentor on that blog, did so here

Those books are not free downloads. I will have your blog pulled.and will see to it someone kills you and burns your house down.

Posted 6/24/2007 7:37 PM by nickolauspacione
Back to the other psychotic wannabe writer, Larry.
If you don’t have a social life, perhaps it’s because you spend too much time in virtual time, on a computer, or the blogosphere rather than trying to make friends right outside your door. - Lawrence Dagstine, from here
says the guy who got so upset over something said about him online, he got in his car and drove many many miles to, well lets let his own words tell that story

And then there’s Rusty (we’ll just call you that here in public). Since I have cancer anyway, and I have nothing to lose, and I have your home address, I figured I’d fill the car up with gas and drive out to your house and see who the person behind the blog is. I waited, sipping a cup of coffee behind the wheel, and when you finally came out and I matched you, Rusty. I FUCKING LAUGHED HYSTERICALLY! I spit up my coffee! - Lawrence Dagstine, cancer-ridden but well enough to drive hundreds of miles to stalk, from here
Ironically, after stating that even with his ill health he still found the strength to stalk in real life, he has the gall to say
Yet you manage to still blog, make coffee, and run over to your computer. Even in your worst condition. How is that possible? Me, when I feel sick, I go and lay in bed. - Lawrence Dagstine, from here
but months before he said
Since I have cancer anyway, and I have nothing to lose, and I have your home address, I figured I’d fill the car up with gas and drive out to your house and see who the person behind the blog is.

The same person who did and said that had the gall today to say
You always have aberrant overreactions to comments
Wow. Again, he overreacted to comments by driving to someone else's house.

My opinion: you’d probably be a more stable and productive author if you concentrated on writing rather than blogging or visiting messageboards.
That is exactly what people have been telling him since he started jumping from messageboard to messageboard, switching sides, and becoming the laughing stock of both the literary c0mmunity and internet.
For example: if somebody were to threaten you in virtual time (on a blog or messageboard) that they were going to shoot you, they would have to have an e-gun. We all know that e-guns don’t exist. Real guns kill. Not virtual guns, or people who blog about them. The same goes with arson and other death threats. More stable people call that “venting”.
You threatened to tie up your "friend" Nickolaus Pacione and smear feces on him. There has to be better ways to releave stress and "vent" than that. Who are these stable people you are talking to? YOU THREATENED TO TIE UP NICKOLAUS PACIONE AND SMEAR SHIT ON HIM.

Saturday, August 16, 2008

"Malice & Harassment"

An anonymous tipster, using my information submission link at the bottom, claims that the next upcoming article by Nicky will be called "Malice & Harassment". Whether Nicky will actually do it knowing now that people are on to his page view scheme and reading them elsewhere remains to be seen.

Thanks to raingod and Rusty Nail we can read them without clicking on the AC page they are hosted on, thereby denying him his $1.50.

edit: The tipster has been named on Nicky's latest rant video making him not so anonymous anymore. To insure it wasn't the most psycho of the Nitwits I asked him to send me an email to a personal address of mine to see his IP address. Unless Dagstine moved to the Midwest it isn't him. While is name isn't George, it's not Lawrence either.

Friday, August 15, 2008

The Cost Of Nicky's Pride? About $7

Thanks to Rusty Nail's suggestion I was prepping my little essay regarding Nicky and Dagstine to go live.

But something dawned on me, no I'd say it hit me like a ton of bricks to the face, and I realized that little stinker got all of us.

All of us, including me. I have placed a summary at the bottom of this in case you deem it tl;dr and just want the jist of it.

Here is what he did:

Nicky and an alt he created go batshit crazy. We are used to periods of quiet followed by him contacting dozens of people out of nowhere to rant, but these past two days were rampant even for Nicky.

He even contacted girlvinyl, who associates with but doesn't run Encyclopedia Dramatica knowing that she would pass on the lulz to fellow EDers and somehow he even got the very active Something Awful forum involved.

After going around and taking jabs at the regulars who he harangs on a monthly basis he managed to get a rather large crowd looking at him.

Then, in the midst of all of that, he writes a piece for Associated Content. Granted it was him crying, poorly written, and full of lies, but at this point he has a large portion of the internet looking his way, and while they are he links to his AC article from his blog.

Are you still with me? Good. Now, lets go to Rusty Nail, where they stumbled across the truth.

Rusty says

"La Femme Nikita doesn’t want any of us to miss his article on Associated Content. For the fun of it, he also throws in digs at Darren and"
and in the comments section of that entry, they put all the pieces in place

on August 15, 2008 at 7:08 pm1 Jenny
Yanno…Nicky gets paid by the page view at AC. Maybe you could take a snapshot of the entire article and then link to that. That way all your readers could look at that and wouldn’t be lining Nicky’s greasy little lint-filled pockets.

on August 15, 2008 at 7:27 pm2 Rusty
That doesn’t explain why AC breaks up what should be a two page
article into something that’s more than twice as long. If it pays by the page
view, wouldn’t it have incentive to not make each page so ridiculously short?
on August 15, 2008 at 8:00 pm3
raingods Considering they pay 1.50 for every thousand views, my 1/10th of a cent was well spent for the lulz. There payment info is here, http://www.associatedcontent.com/faq.html#J1

Granted, Nicky would have to get about 7,000 page views just to make $10.00. But this is Nicky we are taking about, who pours actual money the goverment gives him into projects that have never ever made a profit and never will.

Now don't feel bad if you feel for this and linked to it thereby helping him profit, like I did I fell for it too, because he went and angered many many people and further destroyed his reputation to hundreds of strangers, and he will probably only get about $7.00. $7.00 to have thousands of people laugh at your expense. There is the phrase "Laughing all the way to the bank." but what if all of the laughs generated at your expense won't pay the bank's monthly fee?

Summary: Nicky went to many websites and got hundreds of strangers angry and laughing at him so that he could get them all to look at a website that pays $1.50 for every 1,000 page views. Jenny came up with a great idea in screencapping his article so it can safely be read from Rusty Nail without allowing him any additional profit.

Bravo Nicky! It was almost worth it for you to let Lawrence use you as a doormat in front of thousands!


Today after reading Nicky's crap on Associated Content, I had written up a piece myself quoting various parts of it and countering them. I then realized that was what Rusty did and I didn't want to step on anyone's toes, so even though blogspot saves what you type automatically every few minutes I won't post it.

By the way since typing and abandoning my little piece Rusty has done so here.

So rather than tread into anyone else's territory I will sum up the point of my piece with the overall question I was asking in it: How many times did Nicky describe actions perpetrated by ValentineVegan? And why didn't he mention either that alt or the person who admitted to being behind it?

Looking again I see Rusty already covered that point and with less words than me. In mine I countered all of Nicky's complaints with examples of someone doing them, which were quotes already used on here, which would have been a lot more wordy than mine.

Nicky: I know you read this blog. See the comments section below? I, unlike you, am not set-up to see the IP addresses of those who post here (not like we need it since everyone knows where you live) so I challenge you to finally say in public why you don't mention Dagstine anymore and why you let him off the hook. If you bought his excuse that you scared him and made him cry, and that he did the horrible things he did to "get in your head" instead of just talking to you, then you really do deserve the government's dime because you really don't have any brains.

Instead you focus other people who, all of them combined, haven't done as much to you as VV did. It's almost like you are trying to distract everyone away from ValentineVegan and what Larry did so you don't have to explain why you are letting him get away with what he did.

Speak up Nicky. I'm giving you the chance to right here on this page. I, unlike you, won't censor what you say either. Explain to all of us what the deal is with you and Lawrence.

Monday, August 11, 2008

Two Weeks Left,,,

Until Nickolaus Pacione Day! August 25th!

That's when kids get their Valentine Vegan sticks and beat the Nicky Pinata!

HTML clipboardBut since the kids have ValentineVegan sticks, it's not beating a pinata, it's called "tapping into the mind of NP for answers "candy!

*thank you for the custom graphic you know who ;')

Sunday, August 10, 2008

"Yes, I'm playing coy... pretending to be his friend."

...Yes, I'm playing coy... pretending to be his friend.

...As I will be sure to get more pieces of the book to examine and "pretend" to give an editor's opinionated eye over. Give Nickolaus Pacione enough rope, and he'll be able to hang himself...legitamitely :)
Sincerely Yours, Lawrence Dagstine

Friday, August 8, 2008

"I have no time for this immature rhetoric."

THANK YOU Rusty Nail!

Ladies and gentlemen, you saw Lawrence admit, multiple times, that he was ValentineVegan. Don't give him any credit for coming clean he had to when Nicky accidentally did by posting his IP address.

You read all of the emails he sent Nicky full of threats to him and his family that included extortion and physical threats.

You even saw him threaten Nicky multiple times, just like he has threatened Rusty Nail and others.

On a side note you also saw that he admitted to driving to Rusty Nail's home and parking in front of her house, where he sat and watched her.

Knowing all of this, knowing that he was behind that alt the entire time, knowing that, here is something he posted over at Shocklines that Matt deleted and Rusty Nail was awesome enough to capture. For those that don't know what this is about, Dagstine actually made a point to post this on Shocklines and said the following:

Lawrence Dagstine wrote:
Eric Enck-Final Warning
Eric Enck, I
will only say this once.
I have no time for this immature rhetoric. Keep
stirring shit for publicity on your own books and Nickolaus Pacione melodrama,
and I will call the New York State Attorney General’s Office first thing Monday
morning and have you pulled in for questioning faster than a dog can sniff his
own ass, and have EVERYBODY investigated: Karen Koehler, Rusty Nail, Janrae
Frank — including myself, with no worries whatsoever. You are the culprit again,
as always, starting trouble between other parties, just like you did with a
certain zombie author on previous occasions. It was all you.
The New York
Police Department has been keeping survellaince on Rusty and you as of late
(among others), and they found this little tidbit from some site called “Deviant
Art”. In Italics below (from what the detective provided me; http://www.exposethetard.blogspot.com/,

I'm trying folks to keep these threads short, but I must discet!
I have no time for this immature rhetoric.

I counted 15 emails he sent Nicky harrassing him, 16 if you include the email Nicky posted in An Eye In Shadows, and there may be more. Even if not that's 16 emails he sent. He had time apparently for immature rhetoric.
Keep stirring shit for publicity on your own books and Nickolaus Pacione
melodrama, and I will call the New York State Attorney General’s Office first
thing Monday morning and have you pulled in for questioning faster than a dog
can sniff his own ass,

HE was stirring the shit for publicity. HE was the epitome of Nickolaus Pacione drama, sending 16 harrassing emails. HE DID THAT, and here he is going on about how horrible it is and *gasp* how HE is going to call the Attorney General's office because of it! HE, who was guilty of that very crime, was upset over being accused of it, and threatening to tie up the legal system KNOWING THE ENTIRE TIME IT WAS TRUE AND HE WAS BEHIND IT!

Oh but that wasn't enough. While he was ValentineVegan he went out of his way to drop as many names as he could, including Enck, all Nicky's foes, to add to Nicky's paranoia that all of those people were behind it.

and have EVERYBODY investigated: Karen Koehler, Rusty Nail, Janrae Frank —
including myself, with no worries whatsoever.

Again folks, it was him the entire time. See the people he mentioned? All enemies of Nicky and himself. All women, all mentioned when he was using the alias ValentineVegan. See how he mentioned himself? Well he knew if he were to really have done that, and they actually cared enough to investigate, he'd be caught. Another empty legal threat. Remember that next time he threatens you.

You are the culprit again, as always, starting trouble between other parties,
just like you did with a certain zombie author on previous occasions. It was all

HE is the culprit again? How many months did he drive Nicky crazier by playing on his fears that people were out to get him? See the "certain zombie author"? Remember how ValentineVegan signed one of his emails "Hail Saten"? "It was all you" he said. On Matt's board, Matt who he gushes is a sweetheart, Matt who looks after him and defends him, he said all of those blatent lies on his board. And he said all of this assuming he'd be able to get away with ValentineVegan he never planned on letting people know the truth.

In what can only be called ironic, the very person he was tormenting outted him, if by accident, and actually won! Well he lost because he befriended him again.

The New York Police Department has been keeping survellaince on Rusty and you as of late (among others), and they found this little tidbit from some site called
“Deviant Art”.

I know it's against the law to lie to the police, but is it against the law to lie about the police?

And why would they be keeping survellaince on Rusty Nail? The only survellaince kept on Rusty Nail was Dagstine himself, who drove many miles to stalk her.

In Italics below (from what the detective provided me; http://www.exposethetard.blogspot.com/,
and exposethetard.deviantart.com):

And that's where he threatened me. He had already tried making Nicky believe as ValentineVegan that I was behind it. This "person" who didn't have time for "immature rhetoric". You fucked with too many people Larry, and one of them went and compiled all of your lies together all at once so people can see them side by side.

In closing,

"I will only say this once. I have no time for this immature rhetoric. Keep stirring shit for publicity on your own books and Nickolaus Pacione melodrama, and I will call the New York State Attorney General’s Office first thing Monday morning and have you pulled in for questioning faster than a dog can sniff his own ass, and have EVERYBODY investigated: Karen Koehler, Rusty Nail, Janrae Frank — including myself, with no worries whatsoever. You are the culprit again, as always, starting trouble between other parties, just like you did with a certain zombie author on previous occasions. It was all you." - Lawrence Dagstine from Shocklines

"After tapping into the mind of NP for answers, and going under the name Valentine Vegen, I came to the conclusion that both sides shared an EQUAL hatred. Equal anger." - Lawrence Dagstine from his blog found here

"...you're getting beat up instead. we're in the process of "things", you might say. Wayyyy beyond book burnings but that's still an idea. such as pirating and distributing EVERY piece of literature you have ever written. Authors den, everythign! its already been done extensively with your hateful autobiography, and now we will pirate it all and a certain demented man's family will become involved in the crossfire. the phone calls come for gramma yet, nicky? you did this to yourself nickypoo, and now the Paciones must pay. that's all there is to it. - Lawrence Dagstine under the alias "ValentineVegan" from here

"Nick KNOWS I was VV, Scotty." - Lawrence Dagstine from odark

"...the pacione family is going to be VERY embarrassed. Knock, knock, knock…"who is it" grammy pacione, we’re here for your son. open up! we just want to take him for a stroll. maybe tie him to a tree, smear doody over his face, shave his head. we know he’s in there….please tell him to come outside, mammy pacione." - Lawrence Dagstine as ValentineVegan from here

"As for me, I really have nothing against this author." - Lawrence Dagstine from his blog found here

With Friends Like Him part 3

Taken from Janrae Frank's blog

Ms. Frank, I just emailed Eric Enck. I told him to come visit your fake, libelous, doctored blog. I hope you don't mind.
Posted 7/27/2007 1:19 AM by DagstineLB - reply
Let us start with the obvious.
your fake, libelous, doctored blog.
Fake. Libelous. So while he was getting numerous people mixed up in the ValentineVegan fiasco, he had the nerve to accuse someone else of being fake and libelous?


Lawrence Dagstine

Posts: 55

« Reply #15 on: May 10, 2008, 08:36:15 PM »

So you're admitting that you're VV, but you claim on Shocklines that you aren't?

I ask again. Do you have some sort of learning disability?

No, not one bit. Having a little fun. Chiming in, that's all.

See that? He had admitted to being ValentineVegan, but at that point he had actually gone on Shocklines and denied it, after admitting he was. He probably hoped that the general population on Shocklines hadn't seen his admission, and probably counted on Matt, the Shocklines moderator, to delete anyone pointing that out. He did, which is why I cannot link to the thread in question.

In that same thread, he strongly suggested physical violence towards a woman who pointed out his real life creepiness:
From New York, Amanda? I'll be at a couple of more of those readings later on in the year... perhaps we'll bump into each other. You'll get to see what I'm like in person. happy8
He had suggested in the same thread physical threats against two other people, but this one stood out as a threat against a woman.

In that same thread, when asked about a claim he made that he was going to be featured in Asimov's, a claim later found to be false, his response was
What do you mean, Asimov's? Come on, everybody knows I was messing around with that one. And with most higher paying SF and horror magazines in a ghetto right now and going on hiatus left and right?
Messing around. That's what all the stalking, and lying, and threats, and harrassment under ValentineVegan was, messing around.

He also writes off VV in the same manor, in that thread, by saying

Nick KNOWS I was VV, Scotty.
So you see, everything he did is ok because he was just messing around and he admitted it. As to why Pacione accepts this and is friends with him again, I don't get that at all. Nor do I understand Matt befriending him. Maybe he didn't know the extent of what he did as VV. Maybe he does now. Will it matter?

Back to the most hilarious and bizzare ass kissing I've seen ever
again from Lawrence's blog
**SMALL NOTE: I would learn much later that this fit was due to a book called HOUSE OF SPIDERS 3. It was carried on Shocklines. As for me, I really have nothing against this author.
Right he has nothing against Nicky. He was just messing around.
again from Lawrence's blog
Nick brought up things to me again… Things I should NOT have heard… Then he sent emails, and if you toss our 2005 talks into the mix, he had now showed me concrete evidence of things I wish my eyes had never seen. Seriously, I was left disturbed. I was in denial at first, of course. But I felt disappointed; I actually cried.
Wow! This explains it all! The reason Lawrence took on the alt ValentineVegan and harrassed Nicky in such a ruthless way was because he made him cry!

I'm almost done folks

again from Lawrence's blog
My question is why did Nick Pacione NOT print it in the book? Why didn’t he go to press with it? Why, in the end, change everybody’s names into “code names”? Was it because, deep down, he did have some small ounce of… Wait for it… Morals? Hell if I know. Because what he showed me personally in the beginning of it all could have brought down a hierarchy! Yet when An Eye in Shadows premiered, it focused mainly on his high school years and youth.
Maybe because he recieved emails like this one from Lawrence Dagstine whose exact words were
So do yourself a favor and take your book down, edit keene out -completely! then, with our permission you can put it back up 'bout your high school glory days. take keene out. last warning!
--Legion; we are many!!"
The very person who created the blog yesterday claiming that Nicky showed him things he wished he had never seen, and made him cry, who is lauding An Eye in Shadows, said
so, here's the ultimatum, pacione. you can either take the book down and destroy it forever. apologize to TODP. give up writing non-fiction forever, or you can keep the book up at cafepress and we sue you successfuly for the royalties AND take over Tabloid Purposes 5.
"such as send 13,145 unwanted yet pirated copies of Nicky Pacione's non-fiction scalding bucket of piss, scat, shit, doo doo, or urine to every writer of every level of genre. you got it, greasy, mass communication and mass emails. we did this by the book, just like you did your thing with your book. now you will lose sales, people will open their emails and laugh at you, perhaps even press delete. but, too late. what's done is done. you have been pirated. And we will keep pirating you. For the next project 13,000 will seem like 26,000. After that 26,000 will turn into 52,000.... After that 100,000."
"the end is here for you pacione. you aint doin no signings or gettin your non-fiction book in any bookstores. you're getting beat up instead.
"we've just started collaborating and putting together our 'counter book.' (Yeah there is a counter book planned on that counter book -- I plan to take each of you apart systematically.) only we're using your real name, family and friends, histories there, addresses and all. the public needs to know. no, not fag, bitch, cunt, scalding piss, shitwad, stuff like that. we're coming down on your punk ass with 506 pages -- double yours -- using the name Nicky Pacione and Tabloid Terror. Watch your back, son! because there is nothing you can do to stop the counter title now that you've released this libelous piece of shit.
so do yourself a favor and take that cafepress version down. now!
In conclusion, Dagstine said in his latest entry that Pacione was kind to him and showed him the evils of the industry. He questioned why he didn't mention names in an Eye in Shadows, and now you all know that during that time, the very person who is gushing about Nicky in his blog right now, was threatening Nicky and his family the entire time.

With friends like him, who needs enemies?

With Friends Like Him part 2

you dumb muther fucker! you will “ learn a valuable
lesson from all this, punk! a powerful lesson! remember
when i pissed on your tabloid purposes 3? for tabloid 4 i
plan to go all out book burning shitface! i will burn
every single book you ever written you wannabe! show
that shit to the world.”

from An Eye In Shadows By Nickolaus A. Pacione
Nicky's harasser had him so upset that he actually quoted one of his emails in his autobiography "An Eye In Shadows". I would post what Nicky commented after this quote, but somehow it segwayed into a former classmate who drew cocks on his artwork being in the porn industry now.

The point is that Nicky is best buds with the person he now knows was valentinevegen, and forgets that alt had upset him so much he quoted him in his beloved tell all book.

Here is something else interesting: Why is Nicky forgiving of Larry, yet continues to blame him and go after him?

Let's look at more of his cowardice

"The interview's done, jerkoff? This ain't the end, you fuckin closet fag! I will undermine you, low-bread, dagstine and your newest supporter 9eric enck and all of your other authors... your tabloid purpose authors will feel it cuz of u.

Hail Saten "

Notice the last line? That was an attempt to make a rather successful author and for of Nicky's appear to be behind the alt. Look at the blog entry that Nicky posted it in and you can see that Lawrence was successful in making Nicky suspect it was someone else. Oh he made a point again of throwing his own name in there,

Did you forget Nicky, just how mad you were?
Yes I am challenging ValentineVegan or ArchaneArchiver to show his face -- and I am challinging that faggot on Xanga to do the same. I don't take lightly to faceless cowards who go around trying to make threats to sabotage any of my projects. So you want to keep threatening me you FUCK.
From Nick's now private MySpace bulletin:
"Everything in italics is this loser valentinevegan@yahoo.com. So if you end up getting an e-mail from him, tell him to burn in hell and those of you who knew me from way back knew I won't back down when I got pushed. This is push comes to shove because he's trying to get to me via my family. He's already tried to stalk one of my cousins.

I am beyond pissed about that and I will take him to hell once I find out who he is. Maybe some of you who have a detective background can do some detective work on this loser because he was the one who started all the plagiarism rumors this man is connected to http://www.xanga.com/Peter_Barnes and the faceless loser who calls himself Otto Bremman. IF you want to give * a piece of your mind go for it -- the fucker caused me to get a lot of spam at two of my submission addresses. They are a pair of yellow journalistic fucks who teamed up with a local to really try to take me to hell. (those of you who know who Kevin_Defeckt is -- that is the bastard they teamed up with.
From his Vampirefreaks account
They are going around stealing pictures to mislead me -- the bastard goes on as valentinevegan on yahoo.com and had harassed me via XANGA when I was on Xanga, and when I got a story accepted in Darkened Horizons the bastard vowed to ruin my name. He has people convinced that I was writing all those hate mails myself when I was publishing some of his hatemail in my non-fiction book.
See? Myself, Rusty Nail, TODP, and dozens of other people weren't the only ones Lawrence had tried to convince people was behind valentinevegan, he had people believing that you, Nicky, were behind it at one point.

From Nicky's deviantart account where he claimed to keep his signing location secret out of fear
Journal Entry: Tue Oct 2, 2007, 9:29 AM I am keeping the location of this signing out of the post for now because I don't want the crew who are putting it together getting harassed just because I am on the bill. I edited the e-mail that was sent to me and those who want to send this asshole some haite mail -- just look at the email address in the from area.
Nicky at one point had even accepted that he was someone out to fuck with him. Why then did he accept him back into his loving arms?

There's more, but I'll save it for Part 3 coming sooner than you think.

Thursday, August 7, 2008

With Friends Like Him... or "Expose The Tard's Wall Of Text!"

Not long ago someone pointed out to me that an obnoxious asshole threatened me on Shocklines with the law. This person said the law was onto me and would deal with me soon. Why? Because someone suggested he was Expose The Tard, that someone turned out to be him, and in an attempt to make himself look like a good guy on Shocklines he told people he called the cops on me for making him look bad. I am serious.

I've ignored this ass. My goal is to get out information I have regarding someone else, and this pathetic attention whore always seemed to me that he was willing to jump in the middle of the firefight so that people would notice him.

But I never forgot that he threatened me with the law, and today, I cash that chip in.

Please note: The following is very long, some may say tl;dr, but as I post all of the emails from ValentineVegan please keep in mind you know who it is now as you read what he says. It gets better towards the end and if you wish to skip most of this, I implore you to not miss the last quarter of this entry.

I do not have the Shocklines post where he admitted he was Valentinevegan, but as Rusty Nail pointed out (from a link found here) he said this

Now, mind you, I was hoping that the information he shared was false, that it was a joke and it had been doctored. Actually, I’d hoped that the opposing side was the good guys (I was rooting for them secretly). After tapping into the mind of NP for answers, and going under the name Valentine Vegen, I came to the conclusion that both sides shared an EQUAL hatred. Equal anger. Equal mistrust. I couldn’t tell the two apart. And it seemed Matt Schwartz – a very kind man who, believe me, is the HEART and SPIRIT behind horror – also shared a similar beef.

Knowing officially he was ValentineVegan, lets look at what he said as that alternate id. I am going to use bold letters to point out the more disturbing aspects of this person's "experiment".

As you read his threats, remember that he also admitted to driving to and sitting in front of Rusty Nail's house, which is considered stalking.
..from: valentinevegen@yahoo.com

another blogger entry? haven't you learned anything greasy? weve already handed your friends enck and dagstine their asses on a platter, and now were gunning for you. you're our little bitch. our plaything. we know where you live. defeckt knows where you live, too. you know what we can do. go out of that dusty cobwebbed room, go upstairs and look at the window across the yard. yeah, the pickup. watch the lights flash three times when you go to the window. we are always watching. we know what you and the pedophile's masterplan is too, were not stupid, and we dont take lightly to ultimatums. so keep writing posts marked Fucker and making bold claims about us. in your case tabloid purposes five will not debut because we are getting an injunction and ceasing publication before it even starts. papers have been served and phone calls have been made to lulu. lake fossil press will be shut down effective immediately! you hereby quit writing and forfeit publishing rights to brian keene and karen koehler enterprises. susan taylor and dan fox of the other dark place will take over ownership of the tabloid purposes trademark, and do as they so fit with it either on or off of todp, or respectively give the trademark name to the community to play around with as such. when were done with you the only thing you will be able to retain is your pathetic name ---- and, if you're lucky, your shirt! hold on, nappy!

The Tragedies of Publishing ..
- He threatened Nicky by telling him he knew where he lives.
- He claims to be in front of Nicky's house watching him, just as he did with Rusty.
- Accused him of hanging out with a pedophile.
- Fake legal threats.
- Ordered him to give up his company and trademark.
- Like a coward, made a point of saying Nicky had to sign over what he had, then named people to make it look as if they and/or theotherdarkplace were behind it.
..from: valentinevegen@yahoo.com

too late the terrorists have won. so start eating the peanuts nancyboy.

you know, when the twenty-three of us (yes, we gained two more members since christmas), formed this regime we never thought we'd see the day where we'd "expose" pictures of your mother and shirley. if you only had had the pics we have right now...

...give up writing, quit lake fossil press, turn over tabloid purposes, the pictures are yours.

Valentino Career Fineato
- Brought his family into it.
- Claimed to have pictures of his mother and grandmother.
- Threatened him again to give up writing and then he would turn over the pictures, which is extortion and against the law.

What a nice friend.
From: Valentinevegen@yahoo.com


- Well it's short and vague but it's a threat, and at this point Nicky had posted three letters from - Lawrence, so regardless of whether or not he posted every letter he recived from him, this is at least the third time he chose to harrass him anonymously and threaten him in the process.

...then off to expose the tard and rusty with momma and shirley-poo it is... nighty night greasy ..
- Again he mentions Nicky's family, one by name, and threatens them.
- Like a coward, he mentions my name to try and convince Nicky I was ValentineVegan. Real brave.

"hey cocksock, we're sick of shirley pickin up the phone. answer your fuckin phone! what are u afraid of? your grandmother is a sweet ol' lady, but it's YOU we want to talk to. we just wanna have a few words, greasy. come outside. you dont think we let this slide, do you?

and whats this! we see you got published again. darkened horizons...tsk, tsk... spreadin the taint..... i guess we'll have to destroy that publication and its authors reputations. all because of you. or better yet, maybe we should pirate it; friends of yours are friends of ours on the inside, did you know that? damnation observes no one, you fuckin plagiarist pig! yours will be the first story we pirate from this collection.

were comin pachone. so shut 'em down!

-A Holiday Valentine"
- Lawrence admits to prank calling Nicky's house. They had to change that number which costs money, do you think he offered to pay for that?
- Again brought his grandmother into it, by name.
- Gave the impression they wanted him to come outside and meet with them, then indicated they wouldn't "let it slide". That is a threat, which is against the law, in case you didn't know.
- Threatening to destroy author's reputations because he was featured in Darkened Horizons. I wonder how that magazine and it's authors feel about that. Call me wrong, but threatening to libel people using extortion is two crimes in of itself, isn't it?
- "yours will be the first story we pirate from this collection" so not only is he threatening to pirate Nicky's story, he says his story will be the first from "this collection", indicating he plans to pirate every story in it. Again, does Darkened Horizons know this?


To: Nickolaus Pacione
From: Valetine Vegan
Subject: your silent film days are over...
Date: Dec 3, 2007 1:07 AM

because we said so. and we can. and we will. we've reported you to youtube.

pull another stunt like this, greasy, and we shut you down for good. then you wonder why the 20 of us who use this handle keep wannabes like you back and bring in our own or who we prefer.

you have no class. you can't write. you copy from other authors. you're a fake. a fraud.
- More extortion threats, this time telling him to not only stop making youtube videos, but that they- excuse me he was trying to get that account shut down.
- Accused Nicky of plaguerizing, which he hates.

"your signing at gothicfest 2007 at the excalibur will fail and your book sales will fail too. you have no right to gain any legitimate readers or make any money too and your freedom of speech should be taken away. we have every right to impersonate you and steal your work like faggots because we have no lives. pissing on your covers and burning them too. it is legal to burn the flag for freedom of _expression and we will piss and burn on your books because we don't respect your copyrights. we plan on shitting on them too."
- That one looks like it was written by Nicky, but if not, it's a threat or admission if you will to urinate on and burn his books, which eventually happened.

"greasy, you will give in to us. this is not bullying or coercing. this is legal. spam is illegal. im sending you a letter, so listen the fuck up. we are fully within our rights to stomp on your rights. the same way you can use this freedom of speech and press spiel so can we. i'm sick of your sarcasm, pacione! and i'm gettin fed up. why do you think we pirated the book. and we'll pirate the next one, and every single one previous to that. we'll pirate all your work and you have no creative licensing, no say whatsoever. no copyright control because you yourself abused it. so, here's the ultimatum, pacione. you can either take the book down and destroy it forever. apologize to TODP. give up writing non-fiction forever, or you can keep the book up at cafepress and we sue you successfuly for the royalties AND take over Tabloid Purposes 5. that's right, stinky. we'll own you, your house, and the tabloid purposes trademark from series 5 on! my dogs are already on this, they've been getting the paperwork drawn up. why do you think it's so quiet round these parts. dont draw up any of the guidelines buttmunch, because it will be a waste of paper. we will make up new guidelines for tabloid purposes with new staff and new authors. what we're sayin greasy is run your publishing outfit!
--Valentine vegen"
- Threatened to "stomp on his rights"
- Admitted to pirating a book
- Threatened to pirate others
- Used extortion and bully tactics to scare him from writing
- Once again mentioned someone else, again TODP, like a coward to make it appear as if they were the ones behind it
- Threatened to sue, again, as he still does to this day, and take his money from him
- Claimed to have paperwork drawn up, like he threatened me, Rusty Nail, and others.
- Threaten to take over Nicky's project

"we're comin for your cousin too, so you better not be makin that shit up chump. cause if you are, then we'll find a cousin of yours to fuck with.
So do yourself a favor and take your book down, edit keene out -completely! then, with our permission you can put it back up 'bout your high school glory days. take keene out. last warning!
--Legion; we are many!!"
- Threatened a member of his family, specifically his cousin, TWICE
- Mentioned another author, again like a coward would, to try and make Nicky think that author is behind it. TWICE

"the decision has been made, and what better day than today. the day is coming where books shall be burned in large numbers. works pirated in mass quantities; it's already started. group efforts made to annihilate the opposition. he wants to go live, hey, so can we. when were done he'll wanna crawl back under that rock though. the pacione family is going to be VERY embarrassed. Knock, knock, knock…"who is it" grammy pacione, we’re here for your son. open up! we just want to take him for a stroll. maybe tie him to a tree, smear doody over his face, shave his head. we know he’s in there….please tell him to come outside, mammy pacione.
all of the pirated work will belong to pacione. all of the authors who pay dearly will be his cronies. that goes for his butt buddy across the atlantic too. and that shitbag from deviat art for his crude joke. we cant let that one slide. but first nickypoop. in the end, he'll be forced to tow the line for the pussy he is and he’ll eat the shit out of the ass of the big elephant. elephants have been known to stomp on mice. yes sirree, greasy wont have a choice. do you like peanuts pacione? no, really, do you fuckin eat peanuts…because before the month is over you'll be eatin grade A mass marketed nuts. and you're going to enjoy it too."
- Threatened back then to burn books, which has since happened (note: I have no idea who did those and am not saying he did, but he did say it would happen, and it did)
- Threatened to pirate books, then claimed it had "already started" suggesting he had already done it
- Mentioned his family and threatened to embarrass them
- Threatened to go to his house, mentioned his grandmother by name then threatened to

*take him for a stroll
*tie him to a tree
*smear doody over his face
*shave his head.

- Again mentioned his mother
- Threatened that all of his "cronies" would "pay dearly"
- Claimed the same thing would happen to a cronie of Nick's from across the Atlantic, and that author was not only a homosexual but Nicky's homosexual partner

"such as send 13,145 unwanted yet pirated copies of Nicky Pacione's non-fiction scalding bucket of piss, scat, shit, doo doo, or urine to every writer of every level of genre. you got it, greasy, mass communication and mass emails. we did this by the book, just like you did your thing with your book. now you will lose sales, people will open their emails and laugh at you, perhaps even press delete. but, too late. what's done is done. you have been pirated. And we will keep pirating you. For the next project 13,000 will seem like 26,000. After that 26,000 will turn into 52,000.... After that 100,000." -- valentinevegen@yahoo.com
- Threatened to mass email pirated copies of Nicky's book to 13,145 people
- Admitted to already doing it
- Bragged that now he would "lose sales"
- Admitted that he had been pirated, indicating it had already happened with the intent of making him lose sales
- Threatened to continue to pirate him
- Threatened that the amount of people recieving his pirated works would reach 100,000
"the end is here for you pacione. you aint doin no signings or gettin your non-fiction book in any bookstores. you're getting beat up instead. we're in the process of "things", you might say. Wayyyy beyond book burnings but that's still an idea. such as pirating and distributing EVERY piece of literature you have ever written. Authors den, everythign! its already been done extensively with your hateful autobiography, and now we will pirate it all and a certain demented man's family will become involved in the crossfire. the phone calls come for gramma yet, nicky? you did this to yourself nickypoo, and now the Paciones must pay. that's all there is to it.
Philbin knew to flee shocklines as soon as he heard your book was coming out and that the storm was coming. oh, and it aint no F5 either. dagstine turned up evidence at the Rusty Nail, because even he knows he wants no part of your malignant swill. same goes for mr. enck. And your buddies with the original tabloid purposes will be taken care of in due time, but you first. oh, and that other malicious friend of yours with writer's cafe and deviantart? He will REALLY get what's coming to him. but you first nicky. this is a storm you will want to take cover from. were sorta like the CIA, nicky, but call us the HIA. that's how good we are at doing what we do. and we're far from finished yet."
- Told him the "end was near"
- Indicated that their actions would keep him from book signings or getting his books in stores
- Threatened him with physical violence and saying he would get "beat up"
- Again threatened to pirate his books
- Again admitted they had already done that
- Threatened his family. AGAIN
- Asked, thereby admitting to and suggesting he was behind, harrassing calls to his grandmother
- Threatened his family, AGAIN, claiming they "must pay"
- Mentioned Philbin, again, and claimed he was distancing himself from Shocklines because of Nicky
- Mentioned his own name and admitted that he, as Dagstine, had "turned up evidence at the Rusty Nail"

Stop for a second: Dagstine constantly badmouths Rusty Nail. He has threatened numerous times, as he did as ValentineVegan, to bring legal action against her blog. He claims to have driven to her house and stalked her. He claims that he is joining others in suing her. And yet right here, in his own words, he admits to working with her to go against Nicky. When I say working with her I don't mean she actually got together with him, I mean he posted on her site, badmouthing someone else, Nicky, and at that time not only didn't have a problem with her or the blog he joined in himself, making himself just as guilty.

Back to summary

- THREATENED authors who have appeared in Tabloid Purposes
- THREATENED another friend of Nicky's
- THREATENED Nicky, again

"Three words, chump: take it down- you had enough fun, you and Philbin? Well, the laughs are over, end of the day, and here is what i have to say and you WILL obey. (Yeah go fuck yourself and while you're at it go suck the horse off while you're at it.)

take the book down off cafepress - or else we're coming for you. the army of darkness will fall on you and smother you like an eclispse. comprehende? we're laughing now, and you might be gettin a chuckle in yourself, but by the day after tomorrow, a man in morris illionis won't find it so funny.

take it down or everybody you know faces the ultimate consequences.

-the horror conspiracy"
- Threatened him by ordering him to remove what he wrote
- Mentioned Philbin, again, and the threats that follow apply to him as well
- Told him again to remove his work, then THREATENED HIM WITH PHYSICAL VIOLENCE
- Mentioned the city he lived in and suggested more violence towards him

"we've just started collaborating and putting together our 'counter book.' (Yeah there is a counter book planned on that counter book -- I plan to take each of you apart systematically.) only we're using your real name, family and friends, histories there, addresses and all. the public needs to know. no, not fag, bitch, cunt, scalding piss, shitwad, stuff like that. we're coming down on your punk ass with 506 pages -- double yours -- using the name Nicky Pacione and Tabloid Terror. Watch your back, son! because there is nothing you can do to stop the counter title now that you've released this libelous piece of shit.

so do yourself a favor and take that cafepress version down. now!

- the conspirators"
- Threatened him with a counter book to his bio
- Threatened him with libel
- Threatened to use his real name, the real names of his family, his and their addresses
- Threatened to write it using his name

"dear diary:

we cannot let this sick unstable man write that book, so i propose we pool our resources and our money together and write a little book of our own. the book will be fiction, based off non-fiction events, and take place in Morris, IL. the book will be about a man writing a book! yes, the main character is mental and happens to be writing a book and trying to railroad careers, but at the end of our book --- better written, too --- he goes nuts and the fiction becomes a tragedy in the likeness of Shakesspeare. yes, diary, you see in this book, he is the pawn."
-- valentinevegen
Threatens to write a libelous counter book to "An Eye In Shadows" again.

Summary of this really long blog entry:

He tried to play it off as a joke. He tried to pretend he was ValentineVegan to "tap into his mind for answers". So, to tap into someone's mind for answers, he had to anonymously threaten Nickolaus, his family, his friends, his career, his home, his reputation, his associates, repeatedly? In order to tap into his mind he had to threaten him and his loved ones with violence?

He had to make harrassing calls to his grandmother's home?

Does that sound like the actions of a sane man? Does the above appear to be the words of a friend?

How could Nicky forget those emails and what they said? How can he go back to calling him a friend? For that matter how can Mike?
"I came to the conclusion that both sides shared an EQUAL hatred. Equal anger. Equal mistrust. I couldn’t tell the two apart."

No asshole you played both sides and in the process became worse than either side.

And a note to anyone that has or will recieve legal threats from Lawrence: The above shows that he does it all the time, is lying about what he can, is or will do, and only says it as a threat with nothing behind it.

Report Him Anonymously

Copy/paste url of offending website