Nicky went after the FRIEND of someone he hates on a blog that had NOTHING to do with Nicky, and in it, said some of the most horribly shit imaginable. For any of the contributors to DYERS EVE and other projects you've sent Nicky your stories to hoping to get published by him, read the following, then ask yourself if the $5 is worth your name being tied to this psycho.
(name of person and blog withheld to keep their name out of it, like they are)
Nickolaus Pacione said...
"Do you and Lewis fuck each other in the ass all the time? Or that's right you're getting it from your dead mother. What if someone took your hard earned ideas and made stories from them? That's why I got pissed off -- I busted my ass on Halloween Girl. That story is MINE -- my ideas, my concept, my imagination. Do you understand that -- thou shall not steal you fucker. If you agree with LEWIS then you deserve to get rectal cancer.
- Or that's right you're getting it from your dead mother.
- If you agree with LEWIS then you deserve to get rectal cancer.
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